Generate your own set of planning cards by uploading a file easily created from many tools including MS Excel, select the data you want to use on your cards and the tool generates a downloadable PDF file of your cards.
Best of all... it's complete free.
All data is encrypted using 2048 bit encryption (look for the green padlock in your browser). No data you submit to the tool is stored or visible by anyone else but you.
We have plans to add more features based on demand. If there are any features you would like to see included, feel free to get in touch and let us know.
See our roadmap below for more details.
The agile planning card generator tools allows Agile Project Managers, Agile Planners, Scrum Masters, Agile Project Leaders to produce story cards to help with project planning and project estimating. The tool can use information from your requirements software and produce printable agile story cards to use on your planning wall.
The information used on the cards includes:
Two sumpementary information spaces are available on the cards to add more detail if required.
The planning card generator uses a commonly used user story card template used in agile projects. The four corners are used as:
The central space on the card is reserved for the user story itself.
The two suplimentary information fields provide additional space on the card for any information needed for this user story. These sit above and below the main requirement space in the center of the card.
User stories are a easy way to capture user requirements in an agile project. Often used by Agile Business Analysts to represent the needs of a specific user specifying the reasoning for the need as well. User stories may be held on the product backlog as epic stories or at a more detailed level. Requirements are usually broken down into more detail during sprint planning meetings.
User stories are often written in the format of
As a <user> I nee d to <user need> so that <user rationale>
This format allows the Agile Business Analyst, Agile Team Member, Scrum Product Owner, Scrum Master etc. to easily understand the users need, reasoning and with whom to speak when more information is needed on the requirement.
We have plans to add more features to the tool based on demand. Some ideas we have in mind include:
If there is a killer feature you would like to see added, give a vote for a proposed feature or to simply give us a thumbs up, feel free to get in touch and let us know.
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