What you will receive from the course
- An enjoyable, informative, educational, interactive two-day training course from an Agile expert with over 30
years' training, coaching and consulting experience across a wide range of industry sectors worldwide.
- Down to earth guidance from first-hand experience of real world challenges.
- A highly practical, collaborative and inspiring experience.
- Course materials (printed, bound copy plus access to electronic versions).
- Understand the Scrum Framework.
- Understand the specific responsibilities and challenges for a Product Owner.
- Participate effectively in Scrum Events.
- Use analysis techniques to understand the product environment.
- Communicate effectively with stakeholders.
- Certified Scrum Product Owner status (CSPO) upon successful completion of the course.
- Two years' membership of the Scrum Alliance with access to additional resources from the Scrum Alliance after
- Ongoing support from TCC, as an alumnus of the TCC Agile Network. Dot and TCC will be happy to support you on
your journey into Scrum and Agile, with help, advice, coaching, mentoring and further courses – whatever you
need to achieve success.